Saturday, November 17, 2012

Saturday Stories: The End of an Era

I had been through a drought of dating. It was a famine of epic proportions. I think it had been 3 years since I'd been on a date.

And then I went out on a date with a guy my friend set me up with... in the midst of the date, I was alone at the bowling lane. So I checked my phone. There was a text from a guy I knew, Brad. Brad wanted to know if I could go see a movie.

When I was home from the date, I sent a text back that I couldn't because I had been out. He asked it I wanted to go out the next night. I said yes.

I didn't think it was a date. I thought it was a "hey, Emery's been having a rough time so we should hang out although we've never really hung out." But yet he dressed up, opened my doors, bought me a frappuccino from Starbucks, bought my movie ticket and was a perfect gentleman. 

I was smitten.

In one night, I grew a full blown crush on this guy that I had been superficially interacting with for a few months. And now... yep. I was a goner. (I realize now how ridiculous that was, but bear with me... like I said, there was famine in the land. One seems to always overeat after starving...)

A week later, we went to an activity that involved being on a train and cruising one of the valleys. It was in the evening and Brad found me. And we spent almost the entire train ride talking and flirting. In fact, there were a couple of moments when we got extremely close and I imagined that maybe he'd be the one to break the other drought—the haven't been kissed in 9 years drought.

Sunday, we saw each other and he gave me a nice little speech that we had gotten too close and he wasn't really interested in me "that way". 

Being the naive girl, I decided that I would find a way to convince him that he really didn't want me. 

For the record... it never works.

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