Saturday, May 5, 2012

Saturday Stories: Dating and Work

I should've written more this week. Last week I was traveling. No posts.

This week, I was working on finishing my semester. Did I ever explain that I'm working on a masters?


That's something for another post.

But today, I have a new story. Names have been changed to protect the innocent and not-so innocent.


Before I left for my vacation to the East, there was a new boy at work who started to flirt with me. I have dreaded talking to him because I naturally flirt back, but I'm not sure how much I like him. I have too many successful brothers and they have pretty much ruined any and all men for me because deep down, I hope that the man I marry is just as successful as they are—or at least in the path to become such.

When I returned, we've seen each other a few times. Yesterday, I went to drop some stuff off with him and then head to a meeting (for which I was already late for! I just HAD to do some shopping during lunch and purchased an adorable green skirt. Pics to come later). 

Of course, he wanted to chat. Get to know me.

 And I stayed because:

a) I like the attention. 

b) I need to give him a shot.

c) I really didn't want to go to my meeting.

So, we chatted about our weekends. My desire to go see The Avengers but without all of my crazy friends who are taking their boyfriends. 

That's when he piped in. 

"I saw it last night at the midnight showing. It was awesome..." Long pause. "If you want some company, I'd be happy to go with you tomorrow night."

I smiled and thanked him. "I'm sorry. I already made plans with some other friends to avoid going with this group."

But then the question was just hanging out there in the universe. I didn't want him to think that I was rejecting HIM... Just the offer for tomorrow night because I REALLY do have plans. So I threw him a bone. 

"I was thinking about going tomorrow morning. You can come if you want to... But you are working on a house."

"That's only because I had nothing better to do. I'll come if you want me to."

It's a volleyball game. He kept volleying it back to me. And I kept sending it right back to him. 

We exchanged numbers.

And then last night, I realized that unfortunately, with my schedule for today, there will be no movie. And so I had to make that call. 

He answered it while riding his bike. I don't know how I feel about that. I told him that probably wasn't safe. And then I explained the situation. And again, he said "We should do something sometime."

I had practiced the line so many times. I was supposed to say, "Yeah. I'm free next Saturday if you want to plan something and get back to me." 

What came out was: "Yeah. That would be awesome."


I realize that this is practice. Practice interacting with boys since my ability to do so in a dating setting is nil. But I'm nervous how Monday is going to go. 
And so continues my life...

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