Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wednesday Letters: Twin

Dear Twin,

There is so much to say.

First, congratulations on your recent MBA degree. You started a semester before me and graduated with a masters two years earlier than I will. It shows your brilliance and your tenacity. Thank you for letting me edit your essays for your applications. It helped me to gain a bit of insight into you.

From back in the day... when you started to get taller than me. I never caught up.

Secondly, I know we've had our moments. Not our finest moments. Our moments when one or both of us have not been at our best. When we have fought, in public, or said very mean and hurtful things with the intent to do damage. But we've also overcome those. There are times when I wish we were closer, when I wish I could call you up and talk to you about the boy situations that exist in my life and get your feedback on what I'm doing wrong or have you tell me that I'm doing okay and the guys around me are losers. But that's never going to be our relationship. That's not how it works. 

I send you a tweet about wireless routers and you respond with links to deals. That's how our relationship works. You're there when I need you to solve the problem. The solid, tangible problem. And I'm around to make sure that your grammar is correct. And that you don't mix up "cheddar" for "cedar". (Yes... I will continue to hold that over your head.)

I love watching you with your son. He's looking so much like you. And he's so... the only word I have for him is a Spanish word. Él es muy listo. I like to think that he gets that from you. But I'm sure it's a conglomerate of you and your wife. 

Today, I'm grateful for you. I love you. And I'm so proud to call you my twin. You and I are special. Let's remember that.

With love,

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