Saturday, July 28, 2012

Saturday Stories: Stud Finder

I used to work with a boss who was only two months older than me. 

In fact, most of our team is right around the same age (sometimes in maturity age, but mostly in real time age). 

Our meetings were often filled with humor, loads of sarcasm, and a pinch of wit.

One of my favorite co-workers, Mike, had recently purchased a house. He mentioned that he needed to go purchase a stud finder to secure a bookcase to the wall.

Boss Jake pulled out some of that wit and said, "Emery will need to borrow that after you're done with it."

We all looked at him as if he had spoken a foreign language. Jake quickly added, "Emery may need some help finding a real stud since she's been having some trouble in that area..."

Oh, good one, Jake. A STUD finder.

Although, about now, I'm wishing that such a thing really existed.

Maybe then, I wouldn't have to spend 15 minutes of my work-day looking over comics drawn by a young man who is watching me read these comics and judging my reactions. 

But I supposed that's a story for another Saturday...

1 comment:

  1. Haha gotta love the wit of others. If you ever come across that stud finder let me know. I have a few friends that might be interested. ;)
