Saturday, October 27, 2012

Saturday Stories: Cheesecake Always Wins

There once was a boy.

I hated him on first sight. 

Okay, maybe hate is a strong word. I didn't like him though. He was the guy that EVERY girl was interested in. He was always surrounded by a grouping of girls. I don't like boys like that... they breed competition amongst girls. And as a self-proclaimed wallflower, I feel like I'm always going to be lost in the shuffle. 

But a group of people played softball every Thursday night. In the hopes that I could be a bit more social, I started to go. And then I remembered that as good as I think I am with sports, I'm rather slow and fat (it's true).

After the games, the group went to a ice cream place to celebrate our victories. We were that good. Except, I would head home. I had homework to do or work the next day and ice cream wasn't on the agenda (please also refer to the aforementioned fact that I was fat.).

But one time... one time I decided to go. Looking back, I can't decide that if it happened all over again, if I would go or wouldn't. 

This boy sat across from me and we talked. Really talked. Everyone else was joking or being twenty-something year olds without a care in the world, but we leaned in close and talked about things that were real, things that require a serious tone and maybe a witty joke to lighten the mood.

And he asked about a Facebook post I had made. Free cheesecake for someone who'd go with me to a restaurant. He wanted to go. So we agreed to meet the next day. 

He came. We ate. We talked. We laughed.

By the end of it, I was smitten. Forgotten was another boy who I had been holding on to for a month, hoping that maybe things would change and he'd like me. No more.

I don't think I've had a piece of cheesecake since then. Nor have I been back to that restaurant. That probably should change soon.

1 comment:

  1. Cheesecake for the win!

    I'm with you, never liked "that" guy. I remember going on a couple dates with those types back in the day. Same results as you. It never made me comfortable hanging out with someone who clearly spent more time on their hair than I did. Seriously.
