Saturday, October 20, 2012

Saturday Stories: The Library Part 2

I'm running out of stories.

That's a bit scary for me.

Maybe I'm not the dating aficionado that I make myself out to be. There was that five year dry spell... and then the two year after that...

But, none the less, I shall dig into my recesses and find more after this weekend...

Today's story, once again, occurred in the library. (After it happened, I seriously questioned my choice of degree).

I was straightening books, counting down the minutes until I could go home (sounds pretty much like my real job on some days). 

And then, someone said something. 

It's a downtown city library so there are plenty of crazies or homeless people who stay there in the middle of winter to keep warm and be off the street. It's free. There are places to sit. So I just assumed that he was crazy...


He repeated himself. He was talking to me.

He asked if I worked at the library. He asked why I worked at the library. He asked if I had a boyfriend. Then he asked me for my number and if we could go out for coffee. 

I panicked. This was maybe the first time in my life a man had asked for my phone number. Sure, I'd lost a lot of weight (to be documented in a future blog post), but I couldn't be THAT attractive... Or could I?

So, I gave him my number.

And prayed that he wouldn't call.

Later that day, I missed a phone call. When I googled the number, it came from the homeless shelter. But the guy had a cell phone. 

I never got another phone call. 

And I've yet to find another man to pick me up. Apparently I need to start going back to the library.

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