Thursday, October 11, 2012

Tech Thursday: Finding Your Audience

Okay... back on track.

Let's talk about Twitter today.

Why should you be on twitter?

Well, it all depends on your audience. Who do you want as your audience?

This blog has some amazing infographics about the audience on twitter, but let's look at a couple of these charts:

 What do you notice?

First... there's a lot of pink... in this case, that represents females. 

That doesn't surprise me. Most of the people I follow are women. Oh, I follow some men for music information, entertainment purposes, and sports, but the majority of people I follow, respond to, mention, etc. are women. 

Second: Notice the age range... 10-20 year olds make up the biggest group followed by 21-25. Once again, females have a lead on males in those age categories.

So, if that's your audience, you should go where your audience is and join the conversation. Don't push your way into the conversation.

It's like when I go to a party. I look around and I found the group of people who I can identify with the most. Or I hope to see a friend nearby. Then I head in the direction of that group. I slide in and listen intently. And then join with my thoughts when appropriate. And suddenly, you're accepted. People respond to you. You're part of the conversation.

So... find your audience. Be there and listen intently.

Listening works both for finding your audience and also dating. Just sayin. (Of course... I'm giving myself that advice because apparently I need it...)

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