Monday, June 4, 2012

Monday, Oh Monday

Saturday came and went without a good story. 

I'm sorry.

I ended up playing softball. And when I say I play softball, I don't just mean that I stand around in the outfield watching butterflies. I grew up with 6 brothers, remember? I know how to play.

Unfortunately for me, most guys don't want to give me a chance to show them.
(Story of my life sometimes... ha ha.)

But it was fun. I got a base hit. Felt good about that. Maybe played first base for two innings and caught some outs. 

And now we're to Monday, once again.

I heard this analogy today and I love it. I realize I should probably start talking about something OTHER than my dating life. This Saturday, I will. I'll tell an amazing story that has nothing to do with my dating life.

But here's the analogy with dating:

Think about how you shop. The clothes that you love that you consistently wear, they make you look good and feel good. They give back to you. Something on the rack? You have to try it on and sometimes it just doesn't look right. It's not the right fit. So you return it, put it back on the hanger and try again. Sure, your body changes but in reality you have your own style.

It's the same with dating. We try things out and we decide if things work out or if they don't. And we can return. But the best relationships are the ones that give back to us and make us feel good. 

So look for those relationships. 

And have fun! Because that's the best part of shopping.
It's why we, girls, don't love to shop alone. It's better to have someone with us.
(Trust me. I was measured for a bra for the first time a few weeks ago. My friend was there and it was easy to shop because she would say "Yes. That looks great" or "I like the other one better." Made my day. And now I have a real bra. That fits. Because my last one apparently shouldn't have...)

There's my advice for you and me today. Until tomorrow...

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