Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wednesday Letters: The Graduate

Dear high school graduate,

Congratulations. You passed. You survived high school. That's a big deal! Give yourself a pat on the back and enjoy this moment.

Now. Here's my advice to you. It's time to figure out what you love. What you're passionate about. But also what kind of career you want. And then ask people how they got there. 

I'd say 60% of the time (it's maybe more... I might be low-balling it.) most people don't have a degree that is in the industry they work in. I work with intellectual property (copyrights) and the legal rights of a company. My undergraduate degree is in Modern American History. You have to learn about "transferrable skills." What I mean by that is that you're never defined by the jobs that you've had, but rather the skills you gain. I know I don't have a legal background, but my degree taught me how to research, how to logically put together a report that shows the rights of our company in regards to a specific product, etc. I gained these skills and can turn them to help me with any job change.

Now, for some advice specifically to any graduating girls. Girls. I know you think that you will marry one day and so you think—why should I even bother getting a REAL degree? I love writing poetry. I should just get a degree in that. I was there. Eleven years ago, I had the same thoughts. I could just be a writer. And then I got old (okay... maybe not really old, I'm 29, but I'll count that as old). I realized that marriage may come but really I need to be doing something that I'm good at, something that I love, but also something that made me money. Money so that I could live.

I guess what I'm saying is while you're waiting for Prince Charming to show up, maybe take your writing skills and get a degree in communication and advertising. You can use those skills to write jingles or slogans. Because heaven knows that there was some brilliant closet poet who came up with "Every kiss begins with 'Kay'" or "Whenever there is fun there's always Coca Cola." See? 

You just have to think outside of the box a little bit. And ask around. You'll always get plenty of advice.

Now, go enjoy your summer. Live it up (not too much). And good luck in college.


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