Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wednesday Letters: Other Girls

Dear Other girls,

Can't we all just get along? 

Why do we have to fight over boys? 

We're fine until some cute boy enters the room and then suddenly it's like we descend to animal instinct. We no longer can be ourselves, but spend our time trying to keep his attention on ourselves. No matter how stupid that is. 

And it doesn't matter how many times we look at each other and in our normal, non-boy interrupted time and make promises to not get in each other's way. It always happens. And then one or both of us will back away from him and everybody loses.

Let's take a moment and realize that while I totally agree with "sisters before misters", I also believe that my friends deserve to find happiness. And if that's with a guy I'm interested (who is obviously not interested in me), that's okay too. You move on. Maybe you take a step away from that guy and give him space. 

But surely, keeping another girl from a guy that could have interest in them because you like him? That's low.

So, let's be classy, girls. Let's work together. And let's not be dinosaurs in the game of dating (to be explained in a post probably tomorrow... The Parable of Jurassic Park as my roommate calls it).

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